NOTE: Great News and opportunity for BC Apprentices:
Other News: Out of province Meat Cutters:
Meat cutters from other Provinces wishing to gain a BC Meat Cutter certificate of qualification (CofQ) can complete their required hours of training in their home Province but are required to write the (CofQ) examination in BC and provide valid photo ID.
Go to the Apprenticeship tab under Careers for further information:
TO ORDER our New Textbook: ‘Canadian Professional Meat Cutting’
Go to: – Home page and click on the Textbook tab / buy textbook or see Chapter Reviews & Testimonials
or contact the Secretary / Treasurer directly for assistance
Ken Jakes: 250-318-6821 E-Mail:
As one of Canada’s largest industries, employing approximately 68,000 people nationwide. The Canadian Meat Industry provides a great opportunity for a long term career and job growth.
Whether you want to be in sales and marketing, meat cutting and processing, management, or in the abattoir, there’s a stable and exciting meat specialist career option for you. Want to find out more about different opportunities in the meat industry. Use our online tools below and see what careers await you.