About Us

About Us

This site is the result of a group of dedicated Professional Meat Cutter / Educators working together as the Canadian Professional Meat Cutter’s Association (CPMCA), a non for profit group registered in Alberta.

Our Association was originally formed in 1993 and over the years has developed and produced training materials for schools offering entry level meat cutting programs in Canada and to industry practitioners. Our material was consolidated into a training reference manual and has just undergone a full review, edit and update into a full colour hardcover textbook complete with over 1,300 images.

In addition, we own and operate this website as a focal point for information sharing, and job postings for employers.

Philosophy Statement

The CPMCA was established through collaboration of meat training educators banding together from across Canada sharing their current demographic practices in a continuous interchange of ideas, experience, and information. These ideas, experience and information became the foundation of various educational mediums available for use and assistance to those members of the association and meat industry practitioners who look to meet the challenges of today’s global market.

In addition, the CPMCA is active, networking with other national and regional associations such as local producing, processing, marketing boards, associations and both provincial and federal governing bodies. This network system provides members with opportunity for professional dialogue and exchange of industry’s data.

Mission Statement

The CPMCA, while networking within the meat industry, is committed to offering the highest quality educational information and mediums that fulfils the goals and expectations of those whom it serves.


  • Emerge as a leader in educational information and resource provider to the Canadian Meat Industry
  • Promote and extend industry training to all Canadian geographic regions
  • Develop and foster career paths for workers in the meat industry



