Noah wishes to thank, Canada Beef for their support and donation and Fanshawe College Professional Butchery Techniques program for the very high standard of training they provided
Graduating from Fanshawe College, I believe has completely opened my mind, not just regarding butchering, but also with learning to run a business, understanding the different trends in the market, and trying to stay with or ahead of competitors. I was very honored that my professor choose me for this award, which gave me that little extra boost to finish off the semester and program.
Before attending Fanshawe College, I was working at a whole animal Craft Butcher shop (The Butcher of Kingsville) for about a year and 1/2 where I had practiced the fundamentals of Carcass breaking. I had also worked for the Butcher of Kingsville for 3 years and really loved the work and new I wanted a career in the Butchery Trade.
My future goals in the meat industry are to one day compete in the “Ontario’s Finest Butcher”
competition run by Meat & Poultry Ontario and keep expanding my skill level to eventually become a Head Butcher. As well as one day, join the Canadian Professional Meat Cutters Association.